This weekend we celebrated Palm Sunday. I just love the days leading up to Easter. They are days filled with lots of anticipation and celebration. This weekend we also had a special treat as Israel Houghton lead us in worship.
My husband's message was based out of Mark 11. He said told us that Jesus often calls us to do something risky (like taking a donkey before asking) and also something that has never been done (like riding a donkey that has never been ridden). Here are a few of my favorite lines...
He told us that God is not a genie who carries out my wishes, rather I am a donkey who fulfills His purpose!
Sometimes in order to be victorious, you have to look ridiculous.
God doesn't need me to understand fully in order to obey completely
He closed by encouraging us, "When I do as Jesus tells me, it will be as Jesus told me." He challenged us by asking, what is Jesus asking you to do?
You can listen to the message (or watch it) at our website, the Elevation Network and our podcast.
Have a great Monday!
Monday Morning Commentary
Well today is an odd commentary because I was the preacher this weekend. My husband has been preaching his heart out in Australia this week. He comes home tonight and my children and I cannot wait to see him. It has been a long 7 days.
I held down the fort at church this weekend (I said in my sermon that I took over the fort because of what I did to my husband's backstage bathroom. Picture make-up everywhere and a cloud of hair spray.) as we began our new series, Waiting Room, which is all about waiting on God.
My sermon was about how to turn your waiting room into a work room. I am going to skip the commentary because it feels too weird. You can listen to the message (or watch it) at our website, the Elevation Network and our podcast.
I would like to say that I wish every pastor's wife and church staff member could have the opportunity to preach one Sunday. Every time I do this, it gives me a renewed perspective and sense of empathy for what my husband goes through every single week. The pressure to prepare a message and basically speak on behalf of God to a group of people is more than you could ever imagine. And it never really goes away, even if you do it every single week.
So it is a great thing for me to preach at our church every couple of months even if the only thing that comes of it is a renewed vision to pray for my husband each weekend. I truly do not know how he delivers such an incredible message every single week!
I hope you have a great Monday. This week I will finally be sharing some of Abbey's birthday pictures as well as a great giveaway and of course great stories of life change too!