It's Friday and time for another Life Change Inbox! I have been sharing some of the wonderful emails my husband gets, where people share the work God is doing in their lives through Elevation Church. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 3:2-4 that our lives are living letters written so that God might be glorified.
Patricia has been on a very rough journey, but God in his mercy, brought her a loving family and lead her to Elevation. I am so glad to know that as Patricia begins her journey of faith, she has group of girls to help her grow in Christ.
Here is Paticia's story. I have a special request for you after you have read it...
Dear Pastor Steven ,
Hello my name is Paticia. I am a 14 year old girl.You're church has changed my life. When I was 9 years old me and my little brother were taken away from our parents and put into foster care. For 2 years we lived in very good homes. In August 2008 my brother moved in with my uncle and 5 months later (in January 2009) I went to live with my grandmother. I lived there for 6 months and during those 6 months my life went down hill drastically. I started sneaking out, fighting with my grandparents, doing drugs and drinking. I was only 11.
In May 2009 I got kicked out of school and put in an alternative school. The last day of school when people were celebrating I was in court being put back in to foster care. The next school year was horrible. I was getting into fights and I got so bad and depressed that I had to be put in a therapeutic school, but not even that worked. For the second time I attempted suicide so I was put into a therapeutic lock down facility. I was there for a year which helped, but I was still not doing very good.
Five days after I got out (March 13, 2011) I met 2 people who could change my life forever. Their names were Joe and Charo. I never knew love until I meet them. They were the first people I felt comfortable calling mom and dad after what my biological parents did to me. In May I started to have visits with them and in August I moved in with them. I still was going through a lot of stuff and when I moved back down to Charlotte I went to another therapeutic school.
Later that year me and my mom started to go to Elevation. The first day I signed up for an eGroup and it has helped me draw very close with God and so have the sermons. The sermon on March 4th really spoke to me and it reminded me to not regret my past, but know that that's what God intended to make my future what it is today. I just want to thank you for helping me grow closer to God he is my everything. Nothing is wasted. I AM GOD'S CHILD and always will be. Thank you for bringing the light to my heart.
God bless you and much love,
I have never done this before in this Life Change series, but will you join me in praying for Paticia? I am praying that the Lord would begin to heal her from the wounds of her past. I am praying that she would move forward in her relationship with Christ and that God would use her to minister to other girls with a similar past. Paticia, God has great plans for you.
thank you Holly for sharing Patricia's story. Praying that she will see and believe how special she is to God and how much He loves her--perfectly and unconditionally. Believing and expecting that God is moving in mighty ways in her heart and through her life story. Glory to God!!!
Posted by: Nikki | April 20, 2012 at 12:05 AM
Wow, what an amazing story & so many like it <3 she is in my prayers ! Stay strong Paticia, God is so powerful, nothing is impossible.
Posted by: Caroline Olson | April 18, 2012 at 10:35 PM
What an inspiring story! I can only imagine what this young girl has endured in her short life. I will pray!
Posted by: Danielle Moore | April 17, 2012 at 10:27 AM
I have prayed too for Patricia!! How powerful!!! What a blessing to hear her story :-) I pray too fir your and Steve and your kids - that God will uphold you, protect you and keep you safe from any plan of evil to stop the amazing work of God that you are doing!! Blessings!!!
ps will be following your blog now!
Posted by: Chelsea WIlson | April 17, 2012 at 06:25 AM
Posted by: Debs | April 16, 2012 at 11:25 AM
Holly- our lives have been such a whirlwind of lost dreams since moving to Charlotte. This morning God Spoke through you in such a mighty way. Literally using the words going from Plan A to Plan B. And today having the ah ha moment that this is what He has meant for us all of this time- Still seeking our purpose and praying like crazy God will use our crazy family for His glory! Thank you for today- as a mom of 5 I can only imagine ALL you had to go through to get to this weekend and complete it. You finished well! Blessings to You!!!!
Posted by: Kim Trainer | April 15, 2012 at 10:48 PM
WOW! Thank you for sharing this with us! Prayed for her! Its for people like this that I set up a ministry and love hearing testimonies like this! Elevation change=Life changers!
Posted by: adenike | April 14, 2012 at 12:39 AM
Just prayed for her and added her to my prayer list!
Posted by: Megan | April 13, 2012 at 05:15 PM