Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
This is such a great scripture to meditate on. Sometimes, in relationships, when I find myself frustrated with a person. It really helps me to step back and focus on the good in a person. As a wife and a mother, I find myself, so often, dwelling on the faults of the people in my life that I love the most.
Linda Dillow, in her book, What's it like to be married to me, says this, "It doesn't say 'if everything is excellent and worthy of praise'; It says 'if anything is excellent and worthy of praise.' If you commit to dwelling on the positive, God will show you something excellent"
So your husband didn't take out the trash this morning, but he went to work so that he can support his family.
So your teenager spoke disrespectfully to you, but she is respectful to her teachers and makes good grades.
So your preschooler punched someone on the playground because they teased his friend, he is a good and loyal friend (may or may not be an actual example).
Linda Dillow suggests actually taking all 7 attributes and writing out an example of each one for your spouse. We are going to do this exercise in my small group tonight. When you focus on the positive, the negative may not seem quite so negative. It's all about perspective.
This is my first time to your site, having found it through lysa terkeurst....WOW....Did I need that message today. I was just chiding my son on the way to school for his snide way of talking to me, even telling him "you don't talk to your teachers that way do you?".... and yes, he does great in school. May I hold my tongue and look at all the positives:)) Bless you!
Posted by: mary | March 09, 2012 at 10:52 AM
Holly, this is an amazing postI I love it! this is such an amazing reminder of unconditional love.
Posted by: Rachel Pijlman | March 08, 2012 at 10:36 PM
Holly, This is such a wonderful posting and worthy of everyone's time and attention. Its so easy to lose sight of all that is good and positive when we focus instead on what WE think is wrong...
Posted by: Anne Mitchell | March 08, 2012 at 09:31 AM
Thank you so much for this post. I have tons of work to do in this area :/ You're a blessing!
Posted by: Erica Potter | March 08, 2012 at 01:01 AM
This was the verse we read this morning at Samaritan's Purse before heading out to clean up the tornado damage in Charlotte. It is very hard to think about these things when everything around you is literally gone. We were reminded of this today when doing some work for a lady named Dot. She lost her husband this past year, and the home she shared with him for the past 44 years was destroyed this week. All was lost in her eyes. This verse reminds us that dwelling on the 'loss' will only lead to more emptiness. Dwelling on Jesus will never disappoint us or leave us wanting. Thanks for this, Holly!
Posted by: Liana Montsinger | March 07, 2012 at 10:19 PM
Love this post. Fantastic!
Posted by: Coleen Gebhardt | March 07, 2012 at 02:37 PM
Thanks Holly! I need to be reminded of those essential truths! :)
Posted by: Alexis | March 07, 2012 at 02:37 PM
This is a great read. Thank you so much for posting (TFP). I came across your blog from someone whom I follow on facebook. That is to cool, I am also a Pastor's wife. The thing is I have been reading just about all your post because I feel so beaten up on in the last 5 years. I am really glad you posted this due to the week we have had and it is just hump day. I have a blog but it is a crafting blog. If you can please check it out, you have it in your URL. Have a bless week and weekend.
Monique from
Posted by: Monique Barr | March 07, 2012 at 02:17 PM