My mom gets the credit for purchasing 99% of my Christmas presents (what must it be like to be a man and really only have to worry about purchasing only one gift, your wife's?). But I remember one thing my dad did every year... he stuffed our stockings with new pens, pencils and highlighters.
Girls love colorful pens and pencils. It was always so much fun to return to school in January armed with a arsenal of fresh ink. Maybe what made it meaningful was that he went to Office Depot and picked out pens for our stockings. Whatever it was, my sisters and I loved it. It became part of Christmas. As much a part as my mom always letting us open one gift on Christmas Eve.
I am not sure what traditions will evolve in our family. I love buying my children a new ornament every year. This year Graham picked Batman and Elijah picked Star Wars. I have also read The Best Christmas Pageant Ever two years in a row (well we have a chapters left). We'll see.
But I think the thing to keep in mind is that the things we remember about Christmas are not always the most expensive things. It is the little moments, and the kept traditions no matter how small they may seem to others, like new pens, that seem to stick in our memory and define Christmas for us.
It is so true... that it is about the little things. Those are the moments that we all remember about Christmas. We remember that story we read or the ornament we got that year. We, also, get an ornament every year. I remember the ornament I got each year, and have all of them. But, I don't remember the "big" present from each year.
It's all about the little moments!
Posted by: Keirstin | December 24, 2011 at 10:01 AM
Thats so funny because Larry does the stocking stuffers for our girls too-he might love doing it as much as they love opening them. Fun tradition! I also let the girls open 1 gift (usually pj's) on Christmas Eve. :)
Posted by: KH | December 20, 2011 at 12:29 PM
This post is so sweet; it made me think about my dad and about our tradition of picking out the Christmas tree. We were in charge of finding the "just right" tree and it means so much to me to have those special memories! Thanks!:)
Posted by: Sonya | December 20, 2011 at 11:43 AM
I have kids about the same age as your boys and our Christmas traditions have done just that - evolve. Our kids love to pick out a new ornament and have it personalized each year with their name and year. They also love to decorate our house for Christmas. It has become quite the family event. I don't think Christmas would be complete without our annual snow sledding trip between Christmas and New Year's. They talk about it year round. Have fun developing your family traditions!
Posted by: Jodie | December 20, 2011 at 11:07 AM
Great thoughts and ideas! Are you posting your Christmas picture in your blog? Can't wait to see it :) Blesings to you and your precious family as you celebrate Jesus Birthday!!!!
Posted by: Sandra | December 20, 2011 at 11:03 AM
I've thought about that too--how easy men have it! My dad would often pick out one gift for me, and it was always very special because it was the only one he had anything to do with! Now that I have kids, he's made a tradition of making something for them each year--a stool, a coat rack... I don't know what he'll keep coming up with, since he's not really all that crafty in general!
Posted by: Jessica | December 20, 2011 at 09:37 AM